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Celebrations on the occasion of the National Day of Remembrance of the Cursed Soldiers

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Since 2001, on March 1, the National Day of Remembrance of the Cursed Soldiers has been celebrated. It is a Polish public holiday to commemorate the attitude of those people who did not lay down their arms after World War II and fought for Poland's independence against the services of the USSR and their subordinate institutions.

The demonstrations of nationalists and anti-fascists aroused the greatest emotions. Both marches were to meet at ul. Rakowiecka at 19:00. As expected, there was a clash between the participants of both groups. The police had to intervene to separate the nationalists from the anti-fascists by force.

Controversy around the Cursed Soldiers

The clash between nationalists and anti-fascists shows how great emotions are aroused by the Accursed Soldiers. Adored by some, hated by others. On the one hand, they symbolize the steadfast struggle for Polish independence, on the other hand, they are associated with genocide and unjustified murders and rapes. The attitude of the Cursed Soldiers raises a lot of controversy. The polarization of opinions about them is influenced by many factors, which makes it difficult to give an unambiguous assessment.

In the heat of conflicts

In order to better understand the attitude represented by the Cursed Soldiers, one must first of all understand what conditions prevail during the war. Contrary to popular belief, armed conflicts do not only evoke beautiful romantic human behaviors, such as solidarity, courage, and empathy. However, this is not always the case - during the war the most primal instincts, hidden by people on a daily basis, awaken.

. What were the facts?

Many legends and myths have arisen about the Cursed Soldiers. It is undeniable that these are partisans who did not agree to Poland remaining in the sphere of influence of the USSR. They decided to operate in the underground in order to draw the attention of the world's greatest powers to the fact that the Second Polish Republic did not regain independence. It is estimated that the entire underground network numbered 120. up to 180 thousand people. The last armed arm was broken only 18 years after the war - the group led by Józef "Lulek" Franczak was defeated on October 21, 1963 in Majdan Kozic Górnych near Piaski.

The story of the Cursed Soldiers also has a dark side. They include, among others events from the village of Wierchuciny in 1945. The action, which resulted in the murder of 196 people, was commanded by Mieczysław "Gray" Pazderski. Romuald "Bury" Rajs, who committed the crime in Zaleszany in 1946, was also infamous. As a result, 14 people were burnt down, including seven children.

The Cursed Soldiers are also the bright side

It is worth noting, however, that among the Cursed Soldiers there are many more activists who fought for Poland's independence until the very end, without using excessively brutal methods. It should be distinguished here, among others Witold "Witold" Pilecki. The activity of the above-mentioned Józef "Lalka" Franczak is also noteworthy.

Cursed Soldiers - worth remembering?

The general understanding of the Cursed Soldiers deserves to be commemorated. It is a symbol of the steadfastness of Polish nature in the fight for the most valuable national good, which is a free and independent Polish state. However, we must not forget that all armed conflicts arouse in some people the most primal and brutal instincts, which resulted in the commission of terrible crimes. It is worth remembering both the positive aspects of Polish history and its dark side.

Read our next article: Independence Day ...


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