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A white stream in cinemas in Norway

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. There are no worse enemies than best friends.

A comedy of errors about the problems of two friendly couples. Michał and Ewa lead a stable life, dedicated to work and second pregnancy. Kasia and Bartek, who live next door, are struggling with financial problems. Unexpectedly for everyone, during an argument, Kasia reveals to her husband that she has something more to do with Michał ...

Friendship and love are immediately questionable. Mutual suspicions, financial ties and seemingly innocent lies lead to a spiral of misunderstanding. Emotions reach their zenith. In addition, debt collectors, the police and a nosy neighbor are involved in a marital dispute. Chaos escalates as the amusing situations multiply until the end, which will prove to be a chance to save both marriages. Will everyone benefit from it?


The leading cast: Michał Marcin Dorociński, Ewa Julia Wyszyńska, Kasia Agnieszka Dulęba-Kasza, Bartek Dobromir Dymecki

Supporting cast: Nowak Zbigniew Antoniewicz, Adam Sebastian Pawlak, Czarek Cezary Pawłowski, Neighbor Janusz Łagodziński, Policeman 1 Marcin Trzęsowski, Policeman 2 Łukasz Bzura, Krzyś Tadeusz Loba, Borys Patryk Makowski.

TO LAUGH, BUT THINK - the director about the film

When we were writing the script with Tomasz Walesiak, we decided to believe in the intelligence of the audience. Personally, I don't really like comedies that imitate the American style, such as romantic comedies. They often show the heroes and their problems in an unreal, strange way, detached from the truth of life. Of course, every director, including me, has his own sense of humor and his vision of the film as a finished work.

I chose to make my heroes and the situations in which they find themselves reflected in real life. I was inspired by Mike Leigh, who in his films perfectly balances between drama and comedy. He does not judge the characters, observes them, puts them in difficult situations and does not allow viewers to evaluate them unequivocally. She is also great at building relationships between her characters, stacking up seemingly abstract events, which, however, are full of psychological truth. Such handling of emotions also provokes laughter, which after a while gives way to reflection. And there is more of it, the more the viewers get involved in the experiences of the film heroes.

Therefore, in order to have fun and experience their emotions fully, people need to see themselves and stories from their lives on the screen: jealousy and love, success and complexes, selfishness and altruism. I would like to meet with the White Stream to viewers who are prone to reflection, know how to distance themselves from themselves, are not afraid to ask themselves difficult questions. Why do we make decisions, even though they sometimes conflict with our plans and aspirations? What limits us and why do we hurt our loved ones? Why, when we achieve a lot, we can destroy everything in one moment? I took my film story from life. I decided to limit the action of the film to two apartments next door.

The idyllic simplicity of the scenery of the well-kept housing estate and the effect of closing the characters in a small space are a catalyst for the tension between them. They themselves are colorful, non-stereotypical, and complex enough that it is difficult to say for sure that they are bad or good. They are human. We may be angry with them, but we are willing to forgive them. And I think that in this respect, the archetypal comedy cast are the heroes of "Winnie the Pooh" by AA Milny. They focus, as in a lens, many human attitudes in which we find the truth about ourselves. Michał Grzybowski, director and co-author of the script.

Screening list (will be expanded), first screening on January 15 at Odeon Sotra

? Arendal, deadline soon
? Drammen, deadline soon
? Fosnavag
22.01, 19.00 p.m., tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Fosnavag_2201
Kristiansand, due date soon
? Lillehammer
21.01, 19.45 pm, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Lillehammer_2101
22.01, 21.30 pm, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Lillehammer_2101
23.01, 18.30 pm, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Lillehammer_2101
? Lillestrom
21.01, 20.30:2101, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Lillestrom_XNUMX
22.01, 20.30:2201, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Lillestrom_XNUMX
? Moss
21.01, 20.30:2101 p.m., tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Moss_XNUMX
22.01, 20.30:2201 p.m., tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Moss_XNUMX
21.01, 20.30:2101 p.m., tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Oslo_XNUMX
22.01, 20.30:2201 p.m., tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Oslo_XNUMX
21.01, 20.30:2101, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Sandnes_XNUMX
? Sandvik
21.01, 20.30:2101, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Sandvika_XNUMX
22.01, 20.30:2201, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Sandvika_XNUMX
21.01, 20.30:2101, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Sarpsborg_XNUMX
? Ski
21.01, 20.30:2101, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Ski_XNUMX
22.01, 20.30:2201, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Ski_XNUMX
? Skien
21.01, 20.30:2101 p.m., tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Skien_XNUMX
22.01, 20.30:2201 p.m., tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Skien_XNUMX
? Sotra
15.01, 20.30:1501, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Sotra_XNUMX
21.01, 20.30:2101, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Sotra_XNUMX
22.01, 20.30:2201, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Sotra_XNUMX
21.01, 20.30:2101 p.m., tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Stavanger_XNUMX
“Trondheim, deadline soon
? Ål
22.01, 19.00 p.m., tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Al_2201
26.01, 20.00 p.m., tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Al_2601
? Ålesund
21.01, 20.30:2101, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Alesund_XNUMX
22.01, 20.30:2201, tickets: https://bit.ly/BialyPotok_Alesund_XNUMX
? Årnes, deadline soon
More dates and places are coming!


loader image
Oslo, NO
7:42pm, May 12, 2024
temperature icon 21° C
moderately cloudy
Humidity: 67%
Pressure: 1022 mb
Wind: 7 mph
Wind Taste: 15 mph
clouds: 59%
Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise: 4:46 am
Sunset: 9:40 pm

Exchange rate

Polish zlotys





Norwegian crown



Swedish Krona






United States dollar

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