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The Covid certificate does not mean open border crossings

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The police are now experiencing that more and more travelers decide to cross the disused border crossings. There are currently 34 land border crossings through which you can legally enter Norway. The police will carry out border checks, including for certified travelers (Koronasertifikat).

​​Fully vaccinated people choose closed border crossings to avoid standing in queue after returning to Norway. They believe they are exempt from scrutiny

Border staff in the Inland and Eastern Police Districts are now reporting an increasing number of travelers making good faith use of unapproved border crossing points.

- We are receiving reports that fully vaccinated people who want to travel quickly to Sweden are choosing other closed border crossings to avoid queuing on their return to Norway. They believe they are exempt from inspection because of their corona certificate. It is not so. The police will continue to carry out border checks at the internal Schengen border, says Chief of Staff Lars Aune at the Police Directorate.

Read our next article: How to check your own certificate ...

Inland there are usually 44 crossings, while as of today only three are open.

The Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness has determined which border crossings are to be opened and manned for inspection. This overview can be found here: https://www.helsedirektoratet.no/tema/beredskap-og-krisehandtering/koronavirus/apne-grenseoverganger-med-teststasjoner

Regarding legal border crossings for travelers arriving by recreational boat, you can find an overview here: https://www.politiet.no/rad/grense-og-grensepassering


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Oslo, NO
12:54pm, May 2, 2024
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Wind: 7 mph
Wind Taste: 9 mph
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Sunrise: 5:11 am
Sunset: 9:16 pm

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