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66 households will be helped to pay their electricity bills in November

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The government will provide nearly CZK 3000 of additional housing support to people living in the most expensive parts of the country.

The support takes the form of an emergency payment in November and is intended to be a helping hand for households with high electricity bills and low incomes.

The government will make a proposal to the Storting on Friday. The day before, a parliamentary majority voted in favor of a joint plan by the SV and the Conservatives to increase housing and social welfare benefits to remedy high electricity bills.

According to Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp), Minister for Local Government and Districts.

- We can see that high electricity prices can be a heavy burden, especially for people on low incomes. That is why we are proposing an additional surcharge where electricity is most expensive, says Gram in a press release.

On Monday and Tuesday this week a record for electricity prices was set. Especially the areas south of the Sognefjord and Dovrefjell had high price levels. While central and northern Norway were at the moderate price level.

66 households will receive aid

The government proposes that the subsidies go to Households in the counties: Vestland, Rogaland, Agder, Vestfold and Telemark, Innland, Oslo and Viken and the municipalities of Røros in Trøndelag.

Each household receives an additional NOK 2950. Households with more than one person receive an additional NOK 120 for each additional person.

Also in March this year Housing Benefit beneficiaries received an extraordinary payment due to high electricity prices. The same thing happened in the winter of 2019.

Source: NTB
Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB


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