- Students, mainly from southern Norway, have noticed high electricity prices this fall and winter. This is an additional expense that many find challenging. Now the government will introduce measures aimed specifically at students, says the Minister of Science and Higher Education Ola Borten Moe.

High electricity prices this fall and winter

Students and adult students who can document their expenses can apply for an additional loan electricity. As a result, 40 percent of this additional loan, equivalent to CZK 1200, will be converted into a scholarship.

“As early as January, the supplementary scholarship loan will be available through Lånekassen and the money will be paid out quickly,” says Borten Moe.

All information about the loan and scholarship will be provided to students. This will happen when a ready-made solution to the application is available in Lånekassen.

– Students are one of several groups affected this winter electricity prices. That's why we're also working on more measures to make electricity bills lower for other groups as a result, says Borten Moe.

Source: regjeringen

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