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Premiere of the Chvaście album. Frytt guest star single.

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Premiere of the Chvaście album. On November 9 was the premiere of the new album of the rapper Chvaście, which was released together with New Concept. On the promoting single we have the opportunity to hear the Polish rapper from Norway - French frit. The song titled Dinosaurs is a beautiful story about passing, maturing and changes that take place in ourselves and in the world around us throughout our lives.


Promoting single

The title of the single, which promotes the album Chvaście, refers to the popular term among young people of people older than themselves. By name dinosaurs sometimes not so old, for example, rappers who started their careers in the 90s or at the turn of the millennium are called. Musicians notice a change in their own priorities in direct proportion to the number of years lived. This is evidenced by the words of Chvaście:

I stand alone in front of the mirror

I look at my face that has changed

We can also find reflections in the part of Frytta, which says that:

What is this new reality?

Different generations

How many stages have you appreciated over time?

In addition to the excellent textual layer, the piece was composed in a unique and unique atmosphere. The female vocal sounds niche, but it lacks anything from an artistic point of view. The instrumental layer was arranged in accordance with the content of the piece. We will find places for both the verses, the bridge and the chorus.

Premiere of the Chvaście album. Check the single yourself:

A few words about the album

The single, on which we can hear Frytta, promotes Chvaście's new album. Upgrade. The author himself is a co-founder and vocalist of the Silesian Sound System band. He has recorded with such artists as: Bas Tajpan, Miuosh, Junior Stress, Eldo, Pono, Dj Feel-x. He has played over 500 concerts in Poland and abroad and made guest appearances on 20 albums.

In 2011, he released his first solo album "Moje roots", and in 2014 he made a short documentary film "Chvaściu. "My roots" directed by Andrzej Duda, in which the artist talks about his small homeland. A year later, together with his colleagues from Silesian Sound System - Ceen and Woyta, he released the album "Time for changes".

Interesting LP

Upgrade was created together with New Concept. It consists of 11 songs, which allows the publishing house to be called longplay. This is an album worth reading. The whole was composed in an interesting way. Interesting texts are accompanied by an atmospheric and well-composed instrumental layer.

The album will be purchased at www.punkshop.pl.


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2:28 a.m., May 12, 2024
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