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The most used passwords in 2018

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What were the most used passwords in 2018? It turns out that despite continuous information campaigns in the field of cybersecurity, Internet users still set "123456" as a password to, for example, their Facebook. What other strings were they still using? 

Every year they come into being millions of accounts on the Internet for which passwords are set. As it turns out, many people still commit the same mistakes. As indicated in the latest report by the cybersecurity group SplashData, most often "hacked" accounts had an access password set, eg "123456" or "password". In practice, the lack of a sufficiently strong password will result in loss of more than your account, but in many cases also and moneyy.

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A list of 20 entries

The above-mentioned group published the most used passwords in 2018. List below:

  1. 123456
  2. Password
  3. 123456789
  4. 12345678
  5. 12345
  6. 111111
  7. 1234567
  8. sunshine
  10. jeg elsker deg
  11. princess
  12. admin
  13. welcome
  14. 66666
  15. abc123
  16. Football
  17. 123123
  18. monkey
  19. 654321
  20. !! @ # $% ^ & *

Do you recognize yours?

If you have set a password similar to any of the above - consider changing it now. It is also worth knowing that it is not a very good idea use of the same password to several different accounts. The same applies to using the same, for example e-mail to log in to Gmail, Netflix and others Internet services. There is such a solution facilitation tasks for a potential person who will hack us into an account.

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How do hackers get passwords?

Not only the most used passwords in 2018 are the reason you lose access to your account. Hackers also use others for this purpose methods. The oldest of them are the so-called "Trojan horses", most often found in links in received e-mails of unknown origin (you don't open them, right?). They are also used spyware applications, as well as, for example, programs for random password cracking.

One of the newest methods is the so-called "Phishing". A scammer in such a situation impersonates another institution or a person in order to obtain a password to, for example, a bank account. This is why all banks report that "Bank employees nThey never ask for any passwords". 

How do I set a secure password?

they have one thing in common - they are very easy to guess and easy to remember. In 2003, the American William Burr produced 8 pages of a government report on creation secure passwords online. In short - the most secure password should alternate with liter and special characters, in such a way that it is difficult to remember - eg "Tr0ub4dor &". It is certainly not a good idea to use words such as "Pass0rd" or "qwerty".


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