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No tolls - more expensive public transport

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We've been writing a lot about changes in road traffic lately. We wrote, among other things, about controversial toll gate fees - this idea was not supported. Lack road tolls However, it may generate another problem - higher costs related to public transport. How does it look in practice? We encourage you to read our new series, in which we will present the entire situation in more detail. 

No tolls and what's next ...

The issue of road tolls has become the number one topic in this year's election campaign. Party Not for tolls (FNB) in its election program, the first priority is the removal of road toll collection stations. She emphasized the significant fact that today's system is actually a hidden form of taxation of some commune residents. According to calculations, liquidation road tolls can make the cost of public transport increase up to 45%.None road tolls.

No tolls What's the catch?

The tolls collected are the backbone of the program Oslopakke 3 (a program for the development of public transport and a system of bicycle paths and pedestrian paths in the capital of Norway). They are the ones that cover the costs associated with the program. Oslo tolls have a practical application: the development of new bicycle lanes and new projects related to the development of public transport, new trams and the metro. As a result of the changes, a smaller amount of money will be allocated to the road infrastructure. It is also worth noting that the modifications will also contribute to subsidizing public transport in Oslo and Akershus.

Toll-financed router

At this point, it is imperative to note that the Router is currently financed by road tolls. If the changes come into force, the Router will have to secure revenues from other sources if access to public transport is to be maintained at the current level. If the municipalities of Oslo and Akershus do not allocate more funds to public transport, Router's only option will be to increase ticket prices.

What do you think about the changes? Was the lack of tolls a good step?

Be sure to read: Road tolls in Norway - there is an alternative to tolls!


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Oslo, NO
7:24pm, Dec 1, 2024
temperature icon 9° C
heavily cloudy
Humidity: 92%
Pressure: 1008 mb
Wind: 13 mph
Wind Taste: 34 mph
clouds: 100%
Visibility: 9.078 km
Sunrise: 8:51 am
Sunset: 3:20 pm

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