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Millions of salaries in NAV, does it make sense?

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The Norwegian Employment and Welfare Authority (NAV) has many highly paid employees, but they have good reason for it.

According to Labor and Integration Minister Marte Mjøs Persen (AP), a total of 272 Nav employees earn at least one million crowns a year. The information came in Mjøs Persen's answer to a question from Rødt's representative, Mímir Kristjánsson, writes Klassekampen.

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Kristjánsson is critical of high salaries and points out that the median salary rate In Norway is NOK 572.

– Being a middle-level manager in Nav, you should earn twice as much, because you have to get down to this level, it makes no sense - he says.

HR Director Gunhild Løkkevoll w Norwegian Labor and Social Welfare Office defends the level of wages. He emphasizes that they need professionals with the desired specialist skills.

– If we decided that no one at Nav should earn more than million, this would mean that we would not be able to employ the professionals who do important work for Nav and our users today.


This is very important to consider labor costs when determining whether employee compensation needs to be increased. For example, if you are a young company that just getting started operate and you are having difficulty finding qualified workers at a reasonable price, it may make sense to offer higher wages. If only to attract more candidates and retain those who already work for you. However, if your company already has an established position and reputation as an employer with choice in your neighbourhood. In this case, it may not be necessary to offer high salaries - especially if you're competing with other companies that offer similar rates.

It is also important to consider whether employees are paid fairly compared to their peers in other industries. If they are not paid enough compared to other similar positions, it makes sense for them to look elsewhere for employment. This will only create more competition for new employees and cause excessive stress to existing employees who feel undervalued by their employers.


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Oslo, NO
11:59 a.m., May 14, 2024
temperature icon 20° C
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Humidity: 42%
Pressure: 1018 mb
Wind: 7 mph
Wind Taste: 12 mph
clouds: 100%
Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise: 4:41 am
Sunset: 9:45 pm

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