Turmeric mask - a way to reduce wrinkles and discoloration

Turmeric is an Indian spice with a yellow color and intense aroma. This root works perfectly in the kitchen, because, just like ginger, it warms up and has antibacterial properties and contains antioxidants.

Turmeric mask

Its advantages are also worth using in cosmetics, because is a natural anti-discoloration agent, acne and inflammation skin. Facial mask made on its basis, perfectly exfoliates the epidermis, leaving the complexion smooth.


See how the natural mask with turmeric will have a beneficial effect on your skin.


  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon of juice lemons
  • 3 tablespoons of yogurt (if you want to fight acne)

Warning: if you want a peeling effect ,add a tablespoon of coconut shrims to the mask.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Spread the mask on your face and leave it for about 20-30 minutes. After this time, clean your face with a sponge and lukewarm water.