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Duration of parental benefit - Foreldrepengeperioden

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The duration of parental benefit in Norway (Norwegian Foreldrepengeperioden) has changed over the past few years. Currently, there are two types of determining its size. They depend on the time frame in which the child was born or was adopted.

Duration of parental benefit after July 1, 2018

The time of birth after the 1st day of July 2018 still entitles you to receive 49 weeks of parental benefit, respectively, with 100% coverage of the rate of remuneration. if 80% of the rate is chosen, the allowance is 59 weeks. In the event of adoption, parents have 46 and 56 weeks, respectively, depending on the rate selected.

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The changes that have been made concern the father-only period (Norwegian fedrekvote) and the mother-only period (Norwegian mødrekvote). The duration of the parental benefit for each parent has been extended by 5 weeks, but the shared time (Norwegian fellesperioden) has been reduced by 10 weeks. This means that they will be able to share a 16-week or 26-week period. It depends, however, on what rate of compensation they have chosen.

Birth / adoption of two or more children

The duration of the parental benefit for those who gave birth to two children has also changed. This period was extended by 17 weeks if it was decided to cover the remuneration in 100%. If the 80 percent rate is applied, the benefit may be used for 27 weeks longer.

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The birth or adoption of three children is rare, but Norwegian law also provided for additional benefits for parents in this case. The duration of the parental benefit is extended by 46 weeks at the 100% pay rate, or 56 weeks if we decide to cover 80% pay rate.

Birth / adoption from July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2018

If the child was born in the period from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2018, the duration of the parental benefit is 49 weeks with 100% salary coverage or 59 weeks with 80% salary coverage, respectively. For adoption, the periods available are 46 and 56 weeks, respectively.

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However, the amount of parental benefit for only one parent is shorter - each parent has 10 weeks at their disposal. Thus, the joint period lasts longer, which is respectively 26 weeks with 100% salary coverage or 36 weeks with 80% salary coverage.

Birth or adoption of two or more children

In the event of the birth or adoption of two or more children, the term of parental benefit is extended by 5 weeks for each child at 100% of the wage coverage rate. If we have chosen the 80% coverage rate, then this period is extended by 7 weeks for each child.

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The application must be submitted in time

The possibility of taking advantage of parental benefit requires us to be timely. Submit your application on time is crucial as NAV must have time to consider it. Importantly, applying for paternity leave does not require the presence of the mother. It is also important to meet other criteria that entitle you us to take advantage of parental benefit.


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3:49pm, May 15, 2024
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