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On behalf of the Polish Embassy in Oslo

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Dear Sir or Madam.


 Including the Consular Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland and its own. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the doctors, nurses, paramedics, paramedics, medical students and other employees of medical services. They all care for the life and health of patients, in this particularly difficult period of fighting the pandemic coronavirus in the Kingdom of Norway. Appreciating your effort and commitment, we would like to thank you for the enormous effort you make every day, often at the risk of your own life and health.

We would like to thank Polish doctors, nurses and medical workers. Numerous employees in the Norwegian health service: Your knowledge, experience and dedication to patients always deserve recognition, but especially in such a difficult and exhausting period as the pandemic.

We are extremely grateful for what you do for all of us, here in Norway and in other countries around the world. We believe that our heartfelt thanks and they will provide you with support encouragement and strength in these difficult times.

We would like to thank you sincerely, asking you to accept the highest appreciation and respect,

Iwona Woicka - Żuławska, the Polish Ambassador to Norway

Anna Śmiałek – Grzyb, Consul of the Republic of Poland


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Oslo, NO
3:34pm, May 13, 2024
temperature icon 21° C
slightly cloudy
Humidity: 42%
Pressure: 1018 mb
Wind: 9 mph
Wind Taste: 13 mph
clouds: 42%
Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise: 4:43 am
Sunset: 9:43 pm

Exchange rate

Polish zlotys





Norwegian crown



Swedish Krona






United States dollar

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