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Own flat in Norway VS own flat in Poland

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Housing prices are important, but have you thought about how much time you have to devote to earning this money in Poland and how much in Norway ?. Nobody calculates the ratio of price to the ratio of the time you earn for your own 4 angles. So how does it look relatively not to earnings but to time? 

Buying a house in Norway on the outskirts of Oslo, within a 50 km radius of 216 m2, with a plot in Drammen, costs NOK 2, i.e. approximately PLN 900
House in Poland within a 50 km radius near Warsaw with similar dimensions of the building and plot area, the cost is approximately PLN 840

The time we spend on paying off.

Time in worked by us hours that cover the purchase costs own 4 corners.
Norway. With average earnings in the system working 7,5 hours a day i.e. 37,5 hours a week, which translates into 150 hours of work per month. It's earned 27500 NOK on average monthly on my own, of course I average the earnings because sometimes they are much higher. Taking into account my average salary in... We will be able to work in Norway 105,4 months of work for such a house.

Poland. With average earnings in the system working A 40-hour employee, i.e. 5 days of 8 hours, earns an average of PLN 3400 per month of work. Mean earnings that I earned through several inquiries in various professions which I also took into account when determining the average in Norway. The working time that we have to devote to covering the value of our socket in Poland is 247 months

Time bill.

Time is all we have and the only thing we don't respect. Let's see the comparison.
Norway 105,4 months, that is about 9 years. Poland 247 months, that's what about 20 years. Difference that's 141.6 months i.e about 11 years.
Of course, in both cases I did not take into account the cost of living as well insurance. I wanted to illustrate a specific transaction, which in this case is the purchase of a house. However, adding fees credit and interest rates these costs are also higher in Poland, so the installments extend, unfortunately to the detriment of the buyer, a resident of Poland.

. Pushing the wool over your eyes with numbers is for the ever-living.

For a long time, I have been using working time as a conversion factor for everything, then I can really see what it really costs. Our time is unique because we cannot recover overpaid hours.

Norway is considered one of most expensive countries in the world. However, after assessing the time that should be devoted to existence in this country. It turns out that it is CHEAP relative to the time spent on living costs.

The rest of Europe?

I did not simulate the conversion in other countries but you can easily compare it yourself.

Unfortunately, Poland is a very expensive country to live in relative to earnings. Unfortunately, we have no values. This simulation is also probably there answer to the question why are we leaving such a CHEAP country. We are looking a normal opportunity to get your own nest and life at a normal pace.
When the Norwegians ask me why Norway, I explain to them that it is relatively cheaper here. When they start counting like me, they themselves say that in Poland we must have days that last 48 hours, of course they say it with a smile on their face.

. Summary.

In which country, taking into account Poland and Norway, will its inhabitants buy a house cheaper?

NORWAY We will buy a house here for 9 years of work. We will devote 20 years to Poland here.

. These are the facts


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Oslo, NO
9:47pm, May 4, 2024
temperature icon 18° C
moderately cloudy
Humidity: 61%
Pressure: 1011 mb
Wind: 4 mph
Wind Taste: 7 mph
clouds: 51%
Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise: 5:06 am
Sunset: 9:21 pm

Exchange rate

Polish zlotys





Norwegian crown



Swedish Krona






United States dollar

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