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Do those born on February 29 have problems?

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There are no exact data on the number of people born on February 29 in the world, but it is estimated that it is a relatively rare date of birth. The probability of being born on this day is about 1 in 1,461 because this day only occurs once every 4 years.

According to estimates, there may be about 4,8 million people born on February 29 in the world, which is about 0,07% of the total population. Of course, this number is only approximate and may vary depending on the data source and estimation method.

In some countries, such as Ireland or Sweden, those born on February 29 have certain traditions and customs related to this date of birth. In any case, being born on such a rare day can be a special reason for pride and celebration for some people.

People born on February 29 in Norway may encounter some problems with this date of birth. Some computer systems and forms do not include February 29. This may lead to errors in tax calculations or other documents.

To avoid such problems, Skatteetaten has special procedures and regulations relating to persons born on February 29. For example, these people may use the so-called "normal" date of birth, i.e. March 1, in the case of tax forms and other documents. At the same time, Skatteetaten's internal systems are specially adapted to take into account the birth date of February 29. This allows for correct tax calculations and other operations.

In any case, if a person born on February 29 encounters any problems related to this date in the Skatteetaten system, they should contact the agency for help and clarification.

The automatic generation of documents or forms may be a problem

Those born on February 29 may encounter some problems in offices or other institutions that use the date of birth in their systems. For example, the problem may be the automatic generation of documents or forms that do not include the date February 29, but only February 28 and March 1.

To solve this problem, many countries have special laws regarding the date of birth for people born on February 29. For example, in Poland, in accordance with the Act of September 6, 2001 on identity cards, people born on February 29 in leap years have their day of birth entered as "February 29", and in non-leap years as "February 28". This way, the correct age and date of birth are entered on the ID card.

Other countries may have different date of birth laws for those born on February 29. There are solutions that allow this date to be correctly included in official documents and systems.

The next one is February 29 next year. We wish all those born on this special day all the best.

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2:33pm, May 12, 2024
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