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Time change 2019 - this weekend ...

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Time change from 2019 to winter time. Good news for real sleepyheads. This weekend we are adjusting the clocks, not forwards, but backwards. In practice, this means that we sleep an hour longer. True, this is great information. As a reminder and record: We will move the hands of the clocks from 3:00 am to 2:00 am on the night of October 26-27. For how long has there been heated debate as to whether a time change is needed. There are its opponents and supporters. It turns out, however, that, contrary to appearances, changing the time practically does not bring any benefits in terms of energy savings. But it is harmful to our body. About it below!

Time change 2019 - impact on our health

We are happy to have a lot of sleep. The truth is, however, that shifting time disrupts our natural biological clock. For a long time, some organisms cannot get used to the time change. Restful sleep problems, sleep disturbances are just some of the problems. There is also a lack of concentration and memory problems. Distraction ... Some time ago, a group of scientists studied our behavior after changing time. Time change 2019. It turns out that the moment the clocks are changed, we are more nervous, sleepy ... The group of researchers noted that the day after the time change, the percentage of road accidents is higher - the lack of concentration makes us make mistakes on the road.

2019 time change in the world ...

Work on the complete one is ongoing abolition of the change time. However, we will wait a while. Until then, however, we will change the clocks a few more times. Each time change introduces considerable chaos in public places - such as airports, railway stations... Normal functioning in the mentioned places is slightly disturbed. It cannot be denied that the originators of the time change meant well. The idea itself wasn't bad. This was supposed to make it easier for us to work in autumn and winter, when there is less sunlight. We will say goodbye to the time change in March 2021. Meanwhile, even though we mostly use mobile devices today, don't forget to change your clocks.

Worth reading: Proceder in Norway - a true story about life!


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12:11 a.m., May 14, 2024
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Humidity: 54%
Pressure: 1020 mb
Wind: 2 mph
Wind Taste: 3 mph
clouds: 98%
Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise: 4:41 am
Sunset: 9:45 pm

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