In many countries it is not the case that you can love whoever you want. In almost 70 countries, homosexuality is a crime, and those who violate gender and sexual norms may face persecution and discrimination in their country. This may give you a right to protection in Norway. We are changing now guidelines regarding working with resettled refugees so that people who have a different orientation receive priority, says the Secretary of State for Integration at the Ministry of Education, Grunde Kreken Almeland (V).

Migrant refugees. It is the UN that considers refugee resettlement applications, and UDI decides which of them can come to Norway. In 2020, the Storting decided that number of refugees resettlement will amount to 3 people.

The global outbreak of covid-19 has led to deportations, travel, admission and settlement of refugees displaced. UNHCR and the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM) have temporarily suspended travel arrangements for refugees displaced, except for a few urgent matters. The government together with the UN and others will resume work as soon as possible. Norway has a program with three years of flexibility for places subject to quotas, so that if fewer refugees are expelled in one year in a given period, more can be spent the following year.