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Christmas threats to our animals

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Christmas is full of joy for both us and our pets. Unfortunately, this time carries dangers that are worth remembering and paying attention to.

In order for us to experience Christmas without unnecessary problems, with the help of specialists and veterinarians from Fredrikstad Dyrehohispital, we provide a list of harmful products and things, how to react and what symptoms should be taken into account.

Raisins and Grapes

They can cause acute kidney failure. Symptoms only appear after 3 hours, followed by vomiting, severe abdominal pain and diarrhea. If the animal does not receive immediate attention from the vet, complete renal failure will develop within 24 to 36 hours.

Macadamia nuts

Symptoms begin within 2 to 12 hours. The animal receives neurological problems such as tremors, imbalance and weakness. In addition, there may be vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Onions and garlic

Cats are more susceptible to food poisoning from onions and garlic, but dogs can also have serious problems. In particular, the Akita and Shiba type breeds. Unfortunately, symptoms can occur both after several hours and after several days, when red blood cells are damaged and the animal may already have anemia. Watch for symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, collapse and pale mouth.


Theobromine in chocolate is toxic to both dogs and cats. Is the darker the color of the chocolate, the more theobromine in it? Chocolate can cause problems with the nervous system and muscle problems. Symptoms can lead to arrhythmias and symptoms last 2 to 12 hours. You may experience vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, collapse, imbalance, and an increased desire to drink.


There are several foods that may contain xylitol, chewing gum is the most common cause of xylitol poisoning. The dog may have dangerously low blood sugar and liver failure. The first signs may appear 30 minutes after consumption. In some animals, symptoms do not become apparent until 12 hours after ingestion. Symptoms include weakness, collapse, vomiting, and imbalance.

Christmas food

Christmas Eve dishes are not something that cats and dogs should eat. Pets may have stomach aches and digestive problems due to foods they are not used to. Festive dishes are often very fatty. The animals are unable to cope and may develop pancreatitis. Symptoms usually include vomiting and diarrhea. Some animals get fever and stomach pain.

Poisencja or the Star of Bethlehem

Poinsettia appears around Christmas and can be harmful to our pets if they eat it. It is not as dangerous as other plants (eg lilies in cats), but may cause mouth irritation, salivation, vomiting and diarrhea. Keep plants out of reach psa and a cat.

Christmas threats. Christmas paper and strings

It's not just food that can cause problems for our pets. Gift wraps, especially string, which are frequently chewed and eaten, can lead to severe constipation in the digestive tract. In some cases, the constipation will be so severe that parts of the intestine may become necrotic. If a cat wants to play with all the cool strings, it must do so under supervision!

Each commune runs at least one XNUMX-hour veterinary clinic to which to report sudden, anxious symptoms.

Within Viken, one of the 69-hour animal hospitals is Fredrikstad Dyrehospital, which can be reached by calling 30 48 30 XNUMX.

We wish you all a peaceful, healthy and happy Christmas!

Attention! Most veterinary clinics in the age of coronavirus only accept ONE person per animal. When taking your pet to the vet, please remember the age of the pet, the name of the insurance company, and have your insurance number handy. In this way, you save time with the person at the reception desk and enable other people in need to get to the vet as soon as possible.

Best regards, Olimpia


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