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Lieutenant Borewicz is gone - Bronisław Cieślak actor "07 come in" is dead!

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A long weekend. Many of us rest. Meanwhile, the media reports sad news from the world of cinema. Bronisław Cieślak has died. The actor of the famous role of Lieutenant Borewicz from "07 Zgpowiedz  się...". In recent years, he has been associated with the series "Malanowski and Partners". The character of Borewicz is remembered by many generations, so it is worth mentioning this actor.

"Lieutenant Borewicz is dead!". We say goodbye to the "Polish James Bond!"

Tvn24 was the first to inform about the actor's death.

"Bronisław Cieślak played the role of the lieutenant of the MO Sławomir Borewicz, the main character of the series" 07 report yourself ", broadcast in the years 1976 - 1989. The role brought him publicity, and the character he played became an icon of Polish pop culture and was treated as a response to the success of the Polish People's Republic. British James Bond. In addition, he played the role of Bronisław Malanowski, the owner of the detective agency "Malanowski i Partnerzy" in the series of the same title. " (source: interia.pl).

We can also associate him with his role in the film "Furious" and the series "Special signs"

First of all, a media man ...

Acting is not the only career path of Bronisław Cieślak. Although most people know him from the role of Borewicz, Bronisław Cieślak was also associated with the national media. For a long time he worked as a journalist for Polish Radio and Polish Television. He also had his own "romance" with politics. For almost two terms, he was a member of the Sejm on behalf of the Democratic Left Alliance.

To sum up. The actor fought for a long time with the disease ...

Lieutenant Borewicz - a character from a well-known series, on which many Poles were brought up, has passed away. The actor was 77 years old. The media reports that he has been struggling with a serious disease for many years.

Thank you Borewicz! For many years of unforgettable serial emotions. Bronisław Cieślak was a man of many faces, he realized himself as an actor, but also as a journalist. Still associated with the world of cinema and Polish media. We remember and thank you! Let us recall the popular scenes of "07 Come In".

Movie Source: TV series from the People's Republic of Poland.

Do you want to know more? Stay up to date with information? Read our texts: Polish picnic. Crowds at the seaside and in the mountains?


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