– It is good that the prices of large data packages in Norway have fallen. This may mean that competition has improved somewhat to the satisfaction of Norwegian mobile customers. The government is working on good and affordable mobile and broadband services across the country, including by facilitating competition and greater freedom of choice, says Minister Sigbjørn Gjelsvik.

Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet has commissioned two new reports on Norwegian mobile and broadband prices from Tefficient, a consultancy.

In the report  Assessment of Norwegian mobile revenues in the Nordic context - 2023 (PDF) Tefficient states that the prices of mobile subscriptions with large data packages ("data-rich plans") have fallen somewhat in Norway. It is different in other Nordic countries. Norwegian prices for big data subscriptions are currently at the same level as the corresponding prices in Sweden (adjusted for purchasing power). However, Norwegian mobile customers generally still pay the most per gigabyte in Scandinavia. Norwegian mobile customers also continue to have the lowest mobile data usage. The average mobile client in Finland uses about five times as much data as a mobile client in Norway.

Report  Evaluation of Norwegian fixed broadband prices in the Nordic context - 2023 " (PDF) shows that Norwegian fixed broadband subscription prices are in most cases still higher than those in other Nordic countries, even when prices are adjusted for purchasing power. Prices in Norway have increased slightly over the last year, but at the same time similar prices have increased more in other Nordic countries. Together with the weakening of the Norwegian krone, this led to a narrowing of the gap between Norway and other countries. The report also shows that the price for setting up a new fiber link in Norway is lower than in Sweden and Finland, while prices in Denmark are the lowest in the Nordic region.

Both are updates of the relevant reports prepared by the ministry in 2020 and 2022 respectively.

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Source: regjeringen

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