From the general instruction of the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness for UDI (GI-03/2020 ) means that foreigners who have been granted protection in Norway may lose their residence permit if they return to the country from which they fled.

Until now, there was an exception to this instruction for Ukrainians ( G-07/2022 ) covered by temporary collective protection. This exemption is now being abolished, which limits the ability of Ukrainians to travel to their home country without consequences.

Treat Ukrainians and other nationalities equally

– If Ukrainians covered by temporary collective protection travel back and forth between Norway and Ukraine, this may mean that they no longer need protection in Norway. I now want to treat Ukrainians and other nationalities equally when it comes to the consequences of such trips, says Emilie Enger Mehl, Minister of Justice and Emergency.

Trips made before the entry into force of the instruction do not result in its revocation. In very special cases, it will still be possible to visit your home country.

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Source: regjeringen

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