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Don't get caught by scammers: How to recognize fake emails and avoid scams?

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Don't get caught by scammers

In the digital age, where most of us view hundreds of emails every day, it is very important to be able to distinguish real ones from fake ones. Scammers don't sleep and are constantly developing new methods to deceive us. This article will help you recognize when an email appears to be from a government agency or other trusted institution but actually is an attempt at fraud.

How to check if an email is authentic?

We often receive e-mails that at first glance seem official. For example, you may receive a message that appears to be from the mail. But how can we check if this email actually comes from the real sender and is not just a clever forgery?

Our example: What's wrong with this email?

In our example, it is clear that something is wrong. It is important not to click on any suspicious links contained in such messages. But how do you actually know that? we are dealing with fraud?

Pay attention to the sender's email address

One of the easiest ways to verify the authenticity of an email is to check the sender's email address. The attached photo shows what a typical scammer's email address looks like - the domain in the email address does not match the official address of the institution from which the message supposedly comes.

What will happen after clicking the link?

If you click on a link in a suspicious email, you will likely be asked for your details your data personal data. This allows fraudsters to later use this information to stealing your identity or financial resources. Therefore, if you receive such an email, do not respond to it. It's best to delete the message immediately or move it to your spam folder.

Thieves don't sleep - be vigilant!

Data thieves and online fraudsters are constantly looking for new methods to take advantage of our inattention and naivety. That's why it's so important to always be vigilant and watch out for any email that seems suspicious. Remember that it's better to play safe and double check than to be sorry.


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Oslo, NO
4:04 a.m., May 7, 2024
temperature icon 8° C
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Humidity: 81%
Pressure: 1020 mb
Wind: 2 mph
Wind Taste: 5 mph
clouds: 99%
Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise: 4:58 am
Sunset: 9:28 pm

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