Experience shows that it is important to be able to deal with the blatant exploitation of foreigners who find themselves in difficult situation, even if it does not qualify as human trafficking. Anyone who "hands over" to a foreigner job or apartment, may currently be punishable by imprisonment for up to two years if the offense involves taking advantage of the situation of a foreigner. In a situation where punishment can only be "intermediation" in work or apartment, the ministry believes that the framework of the criminal provision is too narrow. Moreover, the ministry believes that the maximum penalty of two years of imprisonment may seem too low in the most serious cases.

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The ministry wants to increase the penalty to three years

Therefore, the Ministry proposes a more general penal provision aimed at gross exploitation of foreigners in terms of employment and accommodation. In this way not only a person can be punishedwho "intermediates" in work or housing, but also the employer or landlord himself. The Ministry also proposes that the maximum sentence was increased to three years of imprisonment.

The consultation date was set for May 13, 2024.

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Source: regjeringen, Photo: pixabay

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