Eight rules and information for travel:

  1. familiarize yourself with travel information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and any travel advice for the country you are visiting, in Reiseklar application or at no.
  2. Check if you have valid travel insurance and what it covers.
  3. Remember your passport and check if it is still valid.
  4. Remember about visas, vaccines and important medications.
  5. Before traveling, check if there are any precautions to keep in mind. IN our travel information for each country you will find a separate chapter devoted to security.
  6. You should follow the advice and information from local authorities in the country you are staying in.
  7. Report where you intend to travel.
  8. Register on website www.reiseregistrering.no and/ or in the Reiseklar app . The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will then be able to contact you to provide updates and information.

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Source: regjeringen Photo: pixabay

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