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Poland. Traffic changes from June 1

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From June 1, a driver approaching a pedestrian crossing must reduce speed so as not to endanger any pedestrian on the crossing or entering it. He is also obliged to give way to pedestrians entering this crossing, including stopping the vehicle. For the inhabitants of Norway, this is not new, it has been the case in Scandinavian road traffic regulations for years.

In the amended Law on Road Traffic, Art. 26 sec.

1 reads as follows:

“When approaching a pedestrian crossing, the driver is obliged to exercise particular caution and reduce speed so as not to endanger pedestrians on the crossing. or stepping on them and give way to pedestrians on this crossing or entering this crossing, subject to paragraph 1a. "

Of 1a reads as follows:

“When approaching a pedestrian crossing, a tram driver is obliged to exercise particular caution, reduce speed so as not to endanger pedestrians on the crossing, and give way to pedestrians on the crossing.”

Moreover, in Art. 13 sec. 1a: 

“A pedestrian in a crosswalk has priority over a vehicle. Pedestrian entering the crossing for pedestrians has priority over a vehicle with the exception of a tram. "

A novelty is the addition in art. 14 for the following entry ,:

“It is prohibited (…) to use a telephone or other electronic device while entering or crossing the road or track. This also applies to situations when entering or crossing a pedestrian crossing in a way that limits the ability to observe the situation on the road.

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Road traffic experts point out that road traffic law does not contain a concept such as "Entering a pedestrian crossing", which may raise a number of interpretation doubts. Fortunately, Art. 14 points 1 of the Road Traffic Law, which "prohibits entering the road (...) directly in front of a moving vehicle. "Including at the pedestrian crossing."

Traffic changes from June 1. Highways and built-up area

Vehicle driver while driving on the motorway and expressway from June 1. He is obliged to keep a minimum distance between the vehicle he drives and the vehicle driving in front of him in the same lane. This interval, expressed in meters, is defined as not less than half the number representing the speed of the vehicle being driven, expressed in kilometers per hour. This rule will not apply when overtaking.


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Oslo, NO
10:22 a.m., May 14, 2024
temperature icon 19° C
heavily cloudy
Humidity: 38%
Pressure: 1019 mb
Wind: 4 mph
Wind Taste: 9 mph
clouds: 100%
Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise: 4:41 am
Sunset: 9:45 pm

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