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Work in Norway - how much can you earn on average?

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Work in Norway, earnings. Norway is associated with much higher earnings than in Poland. After currency conversion, it is true - even in the worst-paid sector, employees can count on an average salary of NOK 37 (approx. PLN 440). In which industries can you earn the most?

Increasingly higher salaries

Following the statistics, wages in Norway increased by 2018% in 2,8 compared to the previous year. The average salary was NOK 45 and it varies greatly between individual economic sectors. Employees employed in government administration can count on the highest average earnings - NOK 610. The private sector offered an average of NOK 49 570, while the worst paid were those working in local government administration - NOK 46 130.

Work in Norway, earnings. Specialists are included

From the financial point of view, attractive professions include all kinds of specialists and technical workers. Persons with strict specializations according to SSB earned on average NOK 52 per month, while technical workers - NOK 360. However, managers of various degrees could count on the highest salaries - NOK 50 540 - while the highest salaries were received by managing directors and presidents, as much as NOK 67 230.

Be sure to read our next article: How to find a job in Norway? >>>

At the opposite extreme

On the other side, there are workers who carry out basic work, without any special specialization. In 2018, these professions were paid on average NOK 32 per month. Workers employed in the sectors of agriculture, forestry services, sales and broadly understood services were slightly better. In these industries, the average salary was NOK 630. Machine operators in agriculture earned slightly better - NOK 33.

Work in Norway -Top-paid industries

Average earnings in Norway strongly depend on the industry. The highest salaries were received by workers employed in the mining and processing sector - 72 NOK per month. Attractive salaries were also received by people working in the financial sector - NOK 700. Near the border of 66 thousand. The average salary in the NOK was in the transmission (NOK 080 60) and IT (NOK 59 630) sectors.

Construction, gastronomy and hotel industry

From the point of view of the Polish community, the important information is how work in Norway was paid in the most popular industries among us. Statistically, we could count on the highest earnings in the construction industry - NOK 43. We could have earned much less if we had decided to work in the hotel or catering industry - NOK 240. Working in the education sector carried an average salary of NOK 31, while in the health and social care sector - NOK 300.

How to read statistics?

The salaries quoted above are only the average earnings for selected professions and industries. It is worth remembering that, according to the common saying "I eat cabbage, my neighbor eats minced meat, so statistically we eat stuffed cabbage" we must be aware that the average salary is calculated as an algorithmic average for the highest and lowest salaries. For this reason job in Norway does not have to be related to the average salary. Some of us can earn more, others much less.

The data comes from the website www.ssb.no


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1:11 a.m., May 13, 2024
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Wind: 2 mph
Wind Taste: 3 mph
clouds: 46%
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Sunrise: 4:43 am
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