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Would you like to receive an invoice from the municipality every month?

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If you want to switch to a monthly utility and property tax invoice in 2023, you must order it by January 15.

Almost two years ago, the municipality of Stavanger introduced a system of monthly invoices for water, sewage and garbage collection and real estate.
Of the approximately 45 housing units in Stavanger, 000 have opted to switch from semi-annual to monthly billing. CFO Kjartan Møller believes that tougher economic times are ahead.

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Over the last two months, just over 1000 people have switched to monthly invoicing. This number continues to grow and we believe there may be even more as the next deadline approaches. The next deadline is January 15, 2023. If you want to switch from semi-annual to monthly, you can do so on "My Page" and it will then take effect in the new year.


There are a number of apartments in the municipality that are not covered by the monthly invoice system.

– You cannot order a monthly invoice if you have not read your water meter, you are not a member of a housing association or you live in a place where there is a sewage tank. There is billing based on the number of emptyings, says director of urban environment and development, Leidulf Skjørestad.

“Min side”, gaining importance

The Director of Innovation and Support Services, Birger S. Clementsen, is responsible for the development of technical solutions. He believes that self-service solutions such as “Min side” will become increasingly important in the coming years.

– You can already find letters from the commune, invoices, submitted or started forms and information about your real estate. We have now also made it possible to download payslips for city employees via My Page. There will be more and more content in the short term, says Clementsen.

Useful information:


By the way, did you know that if you also set up direct debit when paying your invoice, you will receive your invoice even earlier next time and you won't have to do anything to pay the invoice.

Here are two simple how-to videos to get started:

Source: Stavanger Municipality

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