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Tag: insurance in norway

In October, 15 people died in road accidents

In October, 15 people died in road accidents. In October, 15 people died in road accidents in Norway. This is almost three times more than last year, when on the roads…

What influences the price of car insurance?

What influences the price of car insurance? How much you will have to pay for car insurance in Norway depends on many factors. The most important factors are: type of insurance and deductible, mileage,…

Is insurance in Norway protection money? This is my story - Malgorzata Calka-Ruud

Is insurance in Norway a tribute? This is my story - Malgorzata Calka-Ruud. My story I came to Norway in 2012. In the same year I started working in a hotel in…

Before the planned departure from Norway. Order the European Health Insurance Card S1

Before the planned departure from Norway. Order a European Health Insurance Card S1 The European Health Insurance Card documents that you are entitled to cover the costs of necessary treatment during a temporary stay in another EU/EEA country.…

Electric scooter insurance is mandatory in Norway

Electric scooter insurance mandatory in Norway From January 1, 2023, all electric scooters and other small electric vehicles must be insured with statutory liability insurance. The insurance includes, among others: responsibility…

Almost doubling the number of pensioners with low pensions as a result of short-term residence in Norway

Almost doubling of the number of retirees with a low pension as a result of short periods of residence in Norway In June 2022, 31 retirees living in Norway received a reduced pension. The reason for this situation…

Why is it not worth taking out insurance? So what mistakes should be avoided when concluding a contract?

Why is it not worth getting insurance? So what mistakes should you avoid when concluding a contract? Life insurance In today's rather controversial article, we will learn how not to be deceived and what…

Does life insurance also cover vaccine death?

Does life insurance also cover death after vaccination? Does your life insurance cover you if you die after vaccination? Yes, all insurance companies we spoke to responded. Nobody claims…

You can no longer sell your home "as is"

You can no longer sell your house "as is" From January 1, you can no longer sell your house "as is" ("som den er" in Norwegian). In practice, this means…

Insurance companies are now warning against booking trips abroad

Insurance companies are now warning against booking trips abroad As the coronavirus disease worsens in Europe, insurance company Tryg is asking people to wait before booking a trip. They say that the journey…

Attention! Changes in car insurance

Attention! Changes to car insurance Fremtind is doing the same as Gjensidige and Tryg and is raising the limit on when a damaged car can be destroyed, from 60 to 80 percent of the car's value. The middle will be…

Personal Injury Compensation - The Norwegian government will provide better interest

Personal injury compensation - The Norwegian government will provide better interest rates In most cases, personal injury compensation (personskade) is paid as a lump sum. The capitalization rate is used in the calculations. Today, the courts decide...

Helseforsikring, or health insurance in Norway

Helseforsikring, i.e. Health insurance in Norway. Health insurance in Norway "Noble health, No one will know, As you taste, Until you spoil..." Jan Kochanowski If you need advice from our expert on...

Home insurance in Norway / Property insurance (Innbo) - differences

Home insurance in Norway/Property insurance (Innbo) – differences. In today's article, we will try to explain what home insurance really is, what it includes and how it differs from property insurance...

Car insurance - parking damage

Car insurance - parking damage Should I report a redrawn car to the insurance company? It happened many times that in a parking lot in a shopping center I experienced that the car was scratched or slightly dented. I was not…

Smartphone insurance innbo plus innbo super!

Smartphone insurance innbo plus innbo great! Do you live in Norway? Are you buying a phone and wondering about insurance for your smartphone or iPad? We have good news. If you have Innbo insurance for your apartment or house -…

Home insurance in Norway. Listen to the conversation with expert Michał Kuczkowski

Home insurance in Norway (bolig/villaforsikring) Are you building a house in Norway? Or maybe you are planning a renovation? Do you know what financial support you can count on and what you need to remember? Feel safe in…

Boligforsikring and Norge. Lytt til intervjuet med Eksperten Michał Kuczkowski

Boligforsikring and Norge. Lytt til intervjuet med experten Michał Kuczkowski. Bolig/villaforsikring Bygger du et hus i Norge? Eller kanskje planlegger du en renovating? Vet du hvilken økonomisk støtte du kan…

Car insurance in Norway - what is worth knowing?

Car insurance in Norway - what is worth knowing? Yesterday, Michał Kuczkowski, an insurance advisor, visited the Radio Wataha studio. What should you pay attention to when choosing insurance? Why is it so important…

Uninsured car in Norway - what to do?

Uninsured car in Norway? The Motor Insurance Company may send a request to pay for the third party liability insurance. Additionally, lack of insurance may result in a fine of NOK 150 for each day of delay. Uninsured…

What is covered by home insurance in Norway?

What does home insurance cover in Norway? Obtaining a mortgage loan and purchasing your own property sometimes requires a lot of perseverance. However, when you are at your destination and living in your own home, it is worth considering insurance...

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