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Poles are extraordinary: Dominika "Domika" Łuczyńska - a beautiful vocal in exile

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Dominika Łuczyńska is known on the stage under the pseudonym "Domika". On the pages of Wataha.no we published, inter alia, her holiday track, recorded together with Krzysztof "Frytt" Frymarkiewicz. Find out more about how she ended up in Norway, what her plans were and how she became involved in music.

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Domika: I did not plan to live in Norway permanently

As Domika herself claims, she did not plan to live in Norway permanently. Initially, she came only "for a while". Later, she went to the Land of Fjords for a year, until she stayed for good. The Polish audience had the opportunity to get to know her more widely, among others during the Emergenza Festival in Oslo (read more >>> HERE <<<).

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Norway is a specific music market

The country of the Fjords is a specific place, especially in the context of the music market. First of all, due to the relatively small number of inhabitants in relation to the area. This country is inhabited by just over 5 million inhabitants, which significantly limits the possibilities of reaching the desired group of recipients. However, this did not stop Domika from turning her passion for music into a way of life.

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Find out more in the conversation

Michał Nielub: How did it happen that you ended up in Norway?

Domika: Basically I came for a while, then for a year, and finally I stayed
for good ???? I am grateful to fate that I have the closest family here, through
what my start in exile was quite mild.

M .: When you lived in Poland, were you engaged in music?

D .: I have been involved in music since I was a child. First, there were festivals and reviews
songs, then performances for a local community center, where I was initially a student and then an instructor after a few years. For that, I had to graduate from a singers' school. It was in Poland that the first performances on the big stage, support for famous Polish artists and the first attempts to work in the studio, as well as write their own compositions took place.

M .: Which artists inspire you the most?

D .: It is constantly evolving. I've been listening to Astrid S and Sigrid lately. I grew up
on the songs of Natalia Kukulska and Edyta Górniak. But always
admired the talent of Beyonce and Alicia Keys from foreign performers as well
Polish performers headed by Kuba Badach.

M .: What do you put the greatest emphasis on creating your songs?

D .: I write the lyrics myself, I like to feel that what I sing is mine and it reflects
what is playing in my soul at any given moment. Although I am quite nostalgic
person and I try to make every song have a message, sometimes I smuggle a bit of humor into my lyrics, for example in the song "Dress".

M .: Do you have any albums on your account? If so, what are they?

D .: Honestly, I can't get myself to release the whole album and it remains
with singles. It is not a question of laziness, I just feel that these different species
in which I have presented myself so far are so different that they merge into a whole in no way.
But with this question you gave me some food for thought, time to do something about it ????

M .: Is singing still a hobby or a profession?

D .: Singing is absolutely both. This year has been kind to me
and managed to fund the budget while doing what I love. However, no
I dared to quit my "normal" job for singing, it was too much of a risk.
Especially when you are a mother, a stable economic situation is important.

M .: What are your musical plans for the near future?

D .: 2018/2019 is primarily a project by Domik i Frytt. We will record together
and give concerts in Norway. In the meantime, I will also work on solo ones
compositions, maybe also some acoustic covers.

M .: How did it happen that you started working with Frytt?

D .: We have known Frytt for several years, as befits artists from abroad (laughs). I respect his creativity and authenticity. It is not easy to be yourself in a world full of patterns and other people's expectations of us. Although we come from completely different musical genres, we were connected by a passion for music and communication straight from the heart. After the holidays, we will release a single that will explain a lot on this topic ...

M .: Where can you find your music? What internet channels are used to reach current and future fans?

D .: There is no problem with writing for me, but when it comes to promoting my own compositions, it's worse (laughs). Facebook, YouTube, Spotify. Internet portals for the Polish community in Norway. Additionally, the joint songs with DJ Deerivee can be heard on Polish radio and I hope - also on MyMusic soon.

M .: Would you like to say something to the Polish diaspora in Norway? Maybe some motto or words of motivation?

D .: For me, such questions always seem difficult. This is because the Polish diaspora in Norway can be so different that it is difficult for me to refer to them as one and the same group. I have met many wonderful people, families, organizations, companies, artists, who are certainly not without motivation, and who I wish further success. For those wonderful people who, for various reasons, lack motivation, I wish you self-confidence and strength to work, which will surely bear fruit in time. However, I send positive energy to all malcontents and haters ...

Domika on Facebook: click HERE

Domika on YouTube: click here

Domika on Spotify: click here


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Oslo, NO
8:14pm, May 3, 2024
temperature icon 22° C
heavily cloudy
Humidity: 43%
Pressure: 1016 mb
Wind: 3 mph
Wind Taste: 4 mph
clouds: 89%
Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise: 5:08 am
Sunset: 9:18 pm

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