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Oslo will test students in grades 5 to 10 twice a week

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The Municipality of Oslo proposes that all students in grades 5 to 10 should be tested twice a week.

The tests are scheduled to begin later this week, says infection control chief Frode Hagen in Oslo.

City councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor) said last week that mass testing of school students would begin. The program is still under preparation.

The purpose of mass testing is to halt the development of an infection at an early stage, thus avoiding more invasive measures. The most important thing Oslo residents can do is follow general infection control recommendations.

Source: NTB

Read our next article: Polonia in Oslo


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Oslo, NO
9:20 a.m., May 15, 2024
temperature icon 19° C
heavily cloudy
Humidity: 44%
Pressure: 1019 mb
Wind: 2 mph
Wind Taste: 3 mph
clouds: 100%
Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise: 4:39 am
Sunset: 9:47 pm

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