On Thursday, February 16, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice and Crisis Preparedness John-Erik Vika (Sp) will receive a report from the Welfare Research Institute NOVA in Oslo Met, which, together with UiO and KRUS, examined attitudes to crime, punishment and punishment in the population norwegian. The project is funded by the Ministry of Justice and Crisis Preparedness (JD).

The research report shows, among other things, that there has been a large decrease in the propensity of the population to punish compared to the previous study, and that Norwegians have largely changed their views on the use of imprisonment. More and more people are demanding an alternative to prison. The report also shows that in many cases people believe that the sentence is lower than it really is.

The scientists will present the main findings of the study before the report is submitted to Secretary of State John-Erik Vice.

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Source: regjeringen

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