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Now Trondheim residents can influence the outdoor recreation plan and green spaces

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According to the municipality of Trondheim, the plan for outdoor recreation and green areas has been submitted for consultation. Now is the time for the people of Trondheim to contribute. The deadline is April 23.

The plan concerns the preservation and further development of land and green spaces in Trondheim. It focuses on areas and facilities where outdoor life, fun and recreation take place, i.e. features that are important for the development of people in our city.

– The municipality is obliged to secure areas for outdoor living and recreation. It is also obliged to prepare areas with amenities such as hiking trails and ski slopes, parks, playgrounds and local ecological facilities. When available areas and facilities are found, individuals, teams and associations will create and lead the activities, says Helge Grenne from Trondheim Municipality.

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The municipality of Trondheim now expects contributions from teams and associations as well as individuals. On page www.grønt.friluftsliv.trondheim.no you will find all information about the plan. There are also opportunities to share your thoughts and opinions on the content of the plan.

“We also invite you to the open day on April 12, so that anyone willing can come and ask specific questions and get more information about the planning work,” says Grenne.
It is possible booking time with the project group through the plan's website.

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Source: Municipality of Trondheim

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Oslo, NO
3:09pm, May 12, 2024
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Sunset: 9:40 pm

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