I am very proud and happy that we can now present Made in Norway, our new national brand program of sustainable Norwegian products and solutions. The brand will help more Norwegian companies succeed in international markets and is one of several actions under the Hele Norge export reform, says Industry Minister Jan Christian Vestre.

Made in Norway will be a protected trademark for Norwegian products exported abroad. It should be a sign of the quality of Norwegian products and increase the willingness to pay for them.

– Norwegian companies have very good products and solutions, but Norwegians are not always so good at selling these good products and solutions. In many international markets, a company or product may have a clear connection with Norway huge value, says the Minister of Industry.

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Desired by the business world

Several countries have their own national marks of origin. Norwegian companies asked for a solution similar to Made in Norway.

What is currently being brought to market has been developed and adapted after in-depth interviews and quantitative testing with 200 Norwegian companies from all sectors.

– Now more Norwegian companies will have access to good tools that will help them strengthen their position on the difficult international market. We are making preparations so that all of Norway can export more, says Vestre.

Norges Handelshøyskole, BI og Høgskulen at Vestlandet and other entities were closely involved in the project. Except the Ministry Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Patent Chamber. Innovation Norge will manage this program. This is to ensure the brand's industry neutrality as well as to build trust in the brand in society and on the market. The brand therefore represents independent, shared values.

Sustainable solutions

– I hope that the mark of origin will contribute to understanding by Norwegians companies value using Norway and positive attributes associated with Norway in their own branding and storytelling. In this way, they become part of the national team that helps Norway with its positioning. This means they can also get a higher price for their Norwegian products and solutions in international markets, says Håkon Haugli, CEO of Innovation Norge.

Abroad, Norway is often associated with responsibility, sustainable development, clean air and beautiful nature. This is an advantage that Norwegian companies will be able to use in their marketing once they are approved to use the new brand.

Companies wishing to use the mark must be able to demonstrate that a significant part of the product or solution is manufactured in Norway, has a place in a zero-emission society, contributes to at least one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and is not harmful to any of the six EU environmental goals.

“Made in Norway” will be a protected trademark for Norwegian products exported abroad.

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Source: regjeringen, Photo: Innovasjon Norge

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