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We're about to switch to daylight saving time: What do we lose and what do we gain?

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With the arrival spring, many countries around the world change winter time to summer time. In Norway and Poland we will also move the clocks forward one hour on the last Sunday in March. This event brings both benefits and certain difficulties for society.

Time change 2024 to summer time

Such a change from winter to summer time is, of course, bad news for all those who like to sleep longer. The time change in 2024 will take place next night from Saturday to Sunday.

What are we losing?

Shorter nights: Daylight saving time means shorter nights, which may affect sleep and circadian rhythms for some people.
Start of the day: For some people, the time change means getting up earlier and having difficulty adjusting to a new schedule.

What do we gain?

Longer days: Daylight saving time means longer days, allowing for more outdoor activities after work or school.
Cost effectiveness energy: Longer days mean less need to use artificial lighting in the evenings, which can help save energy.

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Switching to summer time has its advantages and disadvantages

To sum up, switching to daylight saving time has both its advantages and disadvantages. The key is to adapt to the change and find beneficial ways to use the extra time that change brings.

Shouldn't we stop changing the clocks soon?

Many people wonder how long winter and summer time will last. There has been an ongoing discussion in the EU for some time about whether countries should stop setting their clocks. The matter is still under consideration by the Council European Union.

– We will wait for the EU's decision before deciding whether we should stop setting the clock. For several reasons, including from the business world, it would be beneficial to have the same solution as our closest neighboring countries, says Minister Jan Christian Vestre

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Source: regjeringen, Photo: pixabay

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Oslo, NO
10:46 a.m., May 7, 2024
temperature icon 12° C
heavily cloudy
Humidity: 67%
Pressure: 1018 mb
Wind: 4 mph
Wind Taste: 7 mph
clouds: 100%
Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise: 4:58 am
Sunset: 9:28 pm

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Polish zlotys





Norwegian crown



Swedish Krona






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