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Information from Norway 07.06.

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Norwegian Air is the leader in the north

AirHelp is an international company that helps passengers airlines in obtaining compensation, e.g. for delayed or canceled flights. Since 2015, they have also been ranking aviation operators. Many factors determine the position in this ranking, such as punctuality, passenger service, complaint services, etc. Norwegian Air took 12th place, which is the best result in the entire Nordic region. Competitive SAS was classified on the 36th position, and Polish LOT on the 29th place. According to the criteria adopted by AirHelp, Qatar Airways is the best airline. Lufthansa is second and Etihad Airways is last on the podium.

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The fragile growth of the Norwegian economy

The SSB (Statistics Norway) reports the still uncertain growth of the Norwegian economy. At the same time, it warns against the high risk of a world economic war. This is what the latest report shows. It also informs about positive trends. It points to falling investment costs as well as an increase in crude oil prices in the world markets. According to the SSB, these factors are conducive to further growth in the Norwegian economy. The declining unemployment rate is also having a major impact. In 2016, it was 5 percent, while as of the date of the report it was only 3,9 percent. Experts predict that it will drop to its lowest level to 3,7 percent, and this rate will remain until 2021.

Norwegian companies

- We are back where we were before the crisis on the oil market - informs Ragnhild Janbu Fresvik, vice president at Sparebanken Vest. The institution he represents has today published the West India Index report, compiled in conjunction with Respons Analysis. 700 enterprises participated in the survey, and the questions concerned the financial situation in the last three months and expectations for the next three months. The optimism index was rated at 60,3 on a XNUMX-point scale, which is the best result in years.

 However, there are some concerns

The optimism of Norwegian companies could be even greater. However, major concerns are related to the announced changes to the customs law. An increase in customs tariffs is expected, which - as the surveyed entrepreneurs indicate - will be a huge challenge in the near future. Especially that these changes will affect both trade with EU member states, as well as with the United States, Canada and Mexico.


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Oslo, NO
10:34pm, May 1, 2024
temperature icon 14° C
moderately cloudy
Humidity: 61%
Pressure: 1024 mb
Wind: 3 mph
Wind Taste: 2 mph
clouds: 66%
Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise: 5:14 am
Sunset: 9:13 pm

Exchange rate

Polish zlotys





Norwegian crown



Swedish Krona






United States dollar

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