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Bompenger in Oslo

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. On June 1, drivers from Oslo faced major toll modernizations boomer. 52 new gates and the introduction of a new system for settling payments for journeys - this awaits drivers visiting the city as well as the residents themselves. Electronic boards with information about what and for how much will also disappear. Drivers must find out for themselves how much they will pay. Are these good changes? Probably not entirely. They will definitely (at least at the beginning) bring more chaos.


52 new gates will operate in three toll zones:
  • internal zone (indre ring), 
  • Oslo zone (Osloringen),
  • city ​​boundary (bygrensen).

Fees will apply both ways - at entry and exit. Owners of electronic cars will also have to pay - previously they were covered by a "concessionary tariff".

What else will change?

Are you moving around the capital? You must necessarily stock up on a special recording device journeys (bombrikke). In return, you will receive not only discounts, but also the option of using the hourly tariff (timesregel).

in numbers…

indre ring:

- Petrol car / hybrid: 17 NOK / 21 NOK
- Diesel: 19 NOK / 23 NOK
- Electric car: NOK 4 / NOK 8

- Petrol car / hybrid: 21 NOK / 27 NOK
- Diesel: 25 NOK / 30 NOK
- Electric car: NOK 5 / NOK 10

- Petrol car / hybrid: 21 NOK / 27 NOK
- Diesel: 25 NOK / 30 NOK
- Electric car: NOK 5 / NOK 10

We will have to wait for the results and the first fruits of the changes. How do the drivers themselves approach it? Opinions are divided here, but most are afraid of changes.

What do you think?



loader image
Oslo, NO
7:04pm, May 11, 2024
temperature icon 20° C
heavily cloudy
1022 mb
7 mph
Wind Taste: 9 mph
clouds: 89%
Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise: 4:48 am
Sunset: 9:38 pm

Exchange rate

Polish zlotys





Norwegian crown



Swedish Krona






United States dollar

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