The Norwegian Public Roads Administration more often meets drivers with a fake driving license. They are afraid of a black scenario regarding the potential number of such driving licenses.

No reason for the ticket was found

A vehicle was recently called in for a routine inspection in Verdal. First of all, there was no suspicion or any particular reason to stop him. The vehicle registered in Norway seemed too perfect.

Lights, tires and brakes were checked. Inspectors found nothing they could put their finger on. The other page next item on the checklist was more of a challenge.

Fake driving licenses have been around in recent years an increasing problem in Norway. That's why the inspectors in Verdal were very careful. They routinely asked to see the driver's driving license. The document was published in Poland in 2013.

Fear of a wave of scammers

False driving licenses appear at irregular intervals. We are concerned that there are many undetected cases like this, says UP manager in central Norway, Anders Sjøtrø.

Police in Trøndelag examine over a dozen fake foreign driving licenses each year.

The problem grew as I grew older immigration labor force and an increase in international freight traffic on the roads.

In addition to fraudulently presented driving licenses the police revealed also corruption.

- This means that in some countries it was possible to buy a driving license without passing a driving test, says Sjøtrø.

– He confessed on the spot

The driver in Verdal finally admitted that he bought a driving license in Poland. He paid about 2500 for them Norwegian kroner.

The driving license did not have safety signs - says Klepp .

- We are looking for micro scripts and UV marking. Here the inscription was wrong, the color also gave a lot to be desired. The EU flag was also somewhat vague. Just a rather poorly made copy.

Norwegian Inspectors Public Roads Authority they also carried out the so-called "Drop test". They dropped the card to see if it made the right sound. Properly issued driving licenses emit a sound that is a combination of plastic and metal. No driving license here either passed this exam.

Norwegian Public Roads Authority he also checked whether the driver had a driving license in his country. It turned out that unfortunately he did not have a driving license.

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Professional driver is self-employed. He lives in Trøndelag and runs his own transport company. The driver was reported as a driver without a valid driving license and committing a forgery.

Na control point The police were called to obtain an explanation from the driver. He was banned from driving immediately.

"We are delighted to have excluded it from traffic," says Bertil Klepp.

According to the police, the case is so well handled with irrefutable evidence that no further investigation is needed.

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