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World. Coronavirus ahead of vaccination?

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The international vaccination system continues. Further restrictions are being lifted in individual countries. Still... we cannot fully say that we have won the fight against the pandemic. On the contrary, the fourth wave will probably hit in the fall. We move more and more. Still not enough people have been vaccinated for us to achieve social immunity. It is also worth noting that richer countries are reluctant to share vaccines and therefore residents of poorer countries do not have access to the preparation.

Coronavirus vaccination. The virus is mutating because there are still too few vaccinated ...

Rich countries promised that the G7 countries would give the poor a billion doses of the vaccine by the end of this year. Experts, however, alarm that even if it happens - it will still be a "drop in the ocean of needs" and such a late vaccination system in poor countries may not bring any results.

"Not only the WHO explains that if most of the world is not vaccinated quickly, the pandemic will not end and the virus will not stop mutating. And this is getting the world in big trouble today. As British scientists are alarming, the Indian variant, called Delta, is slowly becoming the world's dominant variant of the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus. ” (Wyborcza.pl).

Poor countries are demanding disclosure of the vaccine patent ...

How can we get rid of the problem of coronavirus? Vaccination seems to be the best option. For this reason, poorer countries are calling for a patent on vaccination to be made available to them. India and South Africa are among the regions that want access to immunization.

"The release of these patents (ie, it would formally be the suspension of the WTO's international intellectual property protection agreement) is currently being blocked by the richest nations, but US President Joe Biden announced last week that the US would stop opposing it." (Wyborcza.pl).

The most important thing at the moment is to increase vaccine production, access to drugs and a greater number of tests performed. When countries begin to cooperate with each other for the sake of common international good, we will be successful.

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