- This very much important act for the government. Norwegian sailors cannot be beaten on their home turf by individuals working about significantly lower earnings. The Norwegian model was important for a well-organized one life professional. Additionally, I care about a close and good dialogue with organizations on this issue. Their views are important, says Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Cecilie Myrseth.

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Invitation to the organization

Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Cecilie Myrseth invited all organizations on Monday, March 11. During the meeting, organizations will receive information about the new one proposals and they will have them opportunity to share your opinions. They will also take part in the meeting Ministry of Labor and Social Inclusion and the Ministry of Energy, both from the political leadership and the civil service.

– This is a groundbreaking work like no other no government has undertaken it in front of us. Though work on the act been time-consuming, I can assure you that both I and the Government have a clear ambition to see this through, says Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Myrseth.

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Sources: regjeringen, Photo: pixabay

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