- It's nice to have a dog with you on a walk. For many, Easter is the time to go out, but be sure to keep your dog on a leash, says Agriculture and Food Minister Sandra Borch.

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. Who does it apply to?

The leash applies to all dogs. It is not enough to let the dog walk by your heels, even if it is obedient and kind. During this period, the dog must be on a leash or properly fenced. The leash requirement applies to all dog owners. This means both the person who owns the dog, but also the person who looks after the dog for others.

– When the law on dogs was changed, the emphasis was on preventive actions. This is a typical preventive measure and I expect the regulations to be respected, says the Minister of Agriculture and Food.

Keep your dog on a leash

Dogs that hunt livestock, domesticated reindeer, or wild game can cause damage even if they don't bite. A hunted animal is exposed to stress, exhaustion and heat stroke can occur. Some animals get injured or die because they are frightened and flee by falling into the sea or down steep slopes. If grazing animals are hunted, the offspring may run away from the mother, which can cause unnecessary stress and strain on both mother and offspring.

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Source: regjeringen

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