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Ban TikTok and Telegram: This is the recommendation of the National Security Office

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Following the National Security Authority's (NSM) assessment of the threat picture towards Norway and the Norwegian public sector, a clear recommendation has been issued not to use Tik Tok and Telegram in public systems.

Ban on TikTok and Telegram

This includes phones, tablets, desktop computers and other devices connected to
systems of the Narvik commune.

There are many examples in which, among others: Tik Tok provided the data Chinese authorities. The municipality of Narvik is a logistical hub for both civilian and military activities. In addition, we have extensive military installations in the immediate vicinity. We must therefore assume that the commune of Narvik is an intelligence target for foreign powers.

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NSM rating

NSM believes that TikTok as well as Telegram should not be installed in public sector employee service units that are connected to internal digital infrastructure or services of public offices.

The NSM believes that this should also apply to private sector workers who are covered in whole or in part by the Safety Act.

This NSM assessment was sent to the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness on Monday, March 20 last year.

Narvik Municipality prohibits

Based on the clear recommendations provided, Narvik Municipality will implement:

  1. Tik Tok i Telegram cannot be installed on service phones, tablets and other electronic devices owned and paid for by the municipality of Narvik.Users who have these apps installed are expected to uninstall them as soon as possible. On devices connected to IKT operating solutions, they are now permanently blocked.
  2. For users who use your private devices (mobile phones, tablets and computers) to access Narvik Municipality systems (e.g. email, Google and other professional systems), the employer strongly recommends that you remove these programs/applications.

The request to remove these programs/apps is based on the recommendations issued by Office of Security National.

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Source: Narvik Municipality, NSM

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6:14pm, May 9, 2024
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Sunrise: 4:53 am
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