On Thursday, the Abortion Commission submitted the report "Abortion in Norway - new law and better services" to the Minister of Health and Welfare, Ingvild Kjerkol.
The committee is chaired by Kari Sønderland, a lawyer and former expedition leader at the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
– We thank the committee for its solid work and for the historic report, which we want to have great significance for women in Norway, Kjerkol said after receiving the report.
The Abortion Commission is an independent commission established by the government on June 17, 2022. Its tasks included examining the provisions of the abortion law, monitoring the situation of women who have undergone abortions, as well as assessing alternatives to the current abortion commissions.
– The committee collected and summarized important knowledge about the practice of abortion boards and women's experiences with the boards. The commission also collected knowledge about counseling and information for women regarding abortion and practices in other Nordic countries, emphasizes Kjerkol.
According to the Abortion Registry data…
Approximately 12 abortions are performed in Norway each year. Data from the Abortion Registry show that most abortions are performed before the ninth week of pregnancy (000%). Most abortions are therefore performed before the woman knows anything about the fetus. Of all abortions performed in 84,1, 2022 (11%) took place after self-decision.
The vast majority of abortion requests are granted. In 2022, abortion commissions received 660 applications for abortion after the 12th week. Of these, nine women were refused.
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The Abortion Commission conducted its own investigation into the practices of abortion tribunals. They show that many women who appeared before such a tribunal perceived the process as unnecessary, terrifying and humiliating.
– There are also shortcomings in services. Although we have laws regarding information for women considering abortion, the division of tasks and responsibilities in healthcare service is perceived as unclear. The information and guidance women receive varies. In many cases, no follow-up is provided for those who need it. We will do something about this. Women must have access to safe and good information. Women need to have good guidance and support from health services, says Kjerkol.
The report was made public and published in the Norges offentlige utredninger (NOU). It will now be submitted for consultation by March 22.
– We must think wisely and carefully about how we will protect women's rights in the future. The Commission has made many difficult compromises and now we as a society must discuss what abortion legislation should be like in our times. I hope that many people will take the recommendations into account and take the opportunity to express their opinion. Everyone can contribute, encourages Kjerkol.
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Source: regjeringen, Photo: Ministry of Health and Welfare/Chair of the abortion commission Kari Sønderland (middle left) and health minister and care Ingvild Kjerkol after presenting the NOU to the abortion commission
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