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Hidden sugar in drinks - how much is it?

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Hidden sugar in fizzy drinks and more is a shocking phenomenon. The number of available types of beverages on store shelves is astonishing. Their selection, however, is not as good as the very taste they provide to us.

A source of simple carbohydrates

The summer period, and not only is the moment when a person wants to quench their thirst. It also appears when you perform all kinds of physical activities. We often choose a fairly simple and fast route and reach for colorful, carbonated and sweet drinks, which, apart from soothing our willingness to drink, will provide our body with very substantial and unnecessary amounts of calories.

Sugar has many names

The one added to tea or coffee is something known and visible to our eye. We know how much we add to our daily drinks and we can control it in some way. This resident of the confectioner is a combination of fructose and glucose, but we must remember that sugar has many names, because it is also sucrose, galactose, dextrose, maltose, barley and corn syrup and many others. What is the conclusion of this? Always check the labels of the drinks you eat, as well as food products.

Read also: The silent killer sugar

Daily consumption

The daily dose of sugar, the amount recommended by WHO is 5% of the energy requirement, for women it will be 5 teaspoons per day, and for men 6. We are talking about people who maintain a healthy body weight and are not overweight. Unfortunately, due to the fact that it is often hidden in various products, we unconsciously eat more of it than we should. Particular attention should be paid to light drinks, because these products often contain less fat, but more sugar.

Sugar in drinks - how much is it?

Everyone knows and very often bought drinks contain in their composition an impossible amount of sugar. Coca-Cola in a one-liter bottle contains 106 grams of sugar, which is 21,2 cubes. Pepsi, its eternal enemy, in 110 g, contains 22 sugar cubes, Mirinda in 129 g, 25,8 sugar cubes, and Tymbark cherry-apple drink contains 100 sugar cubes per 20 g.

Also read: Skin hydration - why is it so important

The truth changes nothing

The amount of sugar used in each available drink is generally available to each of us. We can read about it on the Internet, but most of all on the product label. Companies do not hide this information, and consumers, despite the fact that they are more and more aware of it, do not change their minds and continue to readily reach for sugar-coated drinks.


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4:33pm, May 3, 2024
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